Three to five people can take part in this game. Each of the players is responsible for one of the stories, as its director. He introduces the scene, asks the audience  about the guidelines, and can -- if he wants -- place any further requirements, e.g., deciding on the form of his game (e.g., rhyme, ABC-game, genre). The other players now perform the scene. At a given time, the director ends the scene. Then it is the next player's turn, taking on the role of director. He also introduces the scene and creates the guidelines, etc, then it also gets played It continues this way until all three to five players have directed one time. After that the round of the game is over. The scenes which were performed are each briefly outlined and promoted by the directors, who make it clear why the audience should definitely see its sequel. Because that is what happens: the audience now decides which story they would like to see more of. Each scene performed is voted upon by applause. The scene with the least applause falls out The second round begins. Each of the individuals who directed one of the stories to be continued receive additional guidelines from the audience, and in addition the players can make further suggestions. The rest of this round goes like the first, but just without the play which was eliminated. Also after this round, one play is rejected. Since the number of actors equals the number of directors, there will be three to five rounds of the game. At the end, one story remains, the "Superscene", the story which the audience collectively found most interesting.

Hints and Tips:

The directors only promote their own story, they will not comment on or disparage the others.

It is all about arousing and maintaining the interest of the audience in the progress of the story, so all want the scene to reach the next round.

It is sensible to end each scene with a cliff-hanger, that is and open ending of the scene, which makes the audience curious and tense about the progress of the story (in the next round).

The director does not cutt off the continuing scene by the rules any more.

It is about creative cooperation, i.e. even when the directors (supposedly) are competitors, all still try to give their best in every scene.


The presenter asks at the beginning for four or fives genres. This results in four or five independent scenes, which are each acted in one of the different genres. After that the first round of the game is over. The presenter sketches the played scenes The audience now decides which story they would like to see more of. Every played scene will be voted upon by applause. The scene with the least applause falls out In the second round, the remaining stories will continue The remainder of this round goes like the first, but without the eliminated play. Also after this round of the game, one play is eliminated. At the end one story remains, the "Superscene", which is the story that the audience universally found interesting.

  • avatar improwiki
  • avatar madmaddi
last update: 2017-12-29
by Maitti Showhopper

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