Polen / Mazowieckie / Warsaw
über uns
Hofesinka is a Warsaw based improv troupe who learned their skills in iO Chicago, Annoyance Theater, Second City Chicago and many other sources. We play both short and long form including the Harold, Armando and our own formats in Polish and in English. Members: Wojciech Fiedorczuk Karol Kopiec Aleksandra Markowska Paweł Najgebauer Robert Pieńkowski Piotr Sikora Antoni Syrek-Dąbrowski
Paweł Najgebauer
Improviser since 2011. Member of Klancyk, Hofesinka and PIP Show. Improv instructor in Szkoła Impro in Warsaw....
Piotr Sikora
Improviser- teacher and performer rooted in the art of physical theater. Member of Klancyk, Hofesinka and PiP Show. ...