Never Pickles
Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika / Illinois / Chigago
Never Pickles
DAN GRIMM has been performing in both Texas and Chicago for nearly 17 years. He is a graduate of iO Chicago, 1st Year Conservatory Training at Second City Chicago, and has work-shopped and coached numerous improv and student groups. Currently, Dan performs and teaches at The New Movement in Austin and works with the Latino Comedy Project. TINA JACKSON has been performing for the past 10 years - in Chicago, New York, L.A., Austin, Toronto, Raleigh and all over the Midwest. Since moving to Chicago during the summer of 2007, Jackson has trained at iO Chicago and with the Cook County Social Club. She has written and produced three plays as a resident playwright for The American Red Cross and performed in almost 20 improv and sketch festivals.