Sarah B
I learned to improv with Improv Boston in 2012-2014, then moved to England and joined Monkey Butler. ...
Über mich
Sarah B
Sarah B
I learned to improv with Improv Boston in 2012-2014, then moved to England and joined Monkey Butler. In January 2015, Monkey Butler turned into K.I.T. (Kaboodle Improv Theatre). My first experience of improv was studying improvisational dance with Tony Kramer. Possibly as a result my favorite thing to do in comedic improv is goofy physical stuff.
Mitglied bei
Kaboodle Improv Theatre (K.I.T.), formerly Monkey Butler, are actively performing in Sheffield. In 2014, members of the imrov training course run by K.I.T. started the troupe Troubled Salad....