The stage is a place, on which a theatrical play occurs. In Improvisional theater, it is the custom to act in a suitable open area that is provided for the play. This area is visible to the spectators.


The stage is often an elevated area (platform). Thus, the audience in the rear rows are also able to see all the events on the stage in their entirety. That’s why an elevated stage area is also meaningful because actors in many plays, or scenes, act sitting or lying down; and without an elevated area, the audience from the back rows would scarcely be able to see anything.

Size of the Stage

The playable area of a stage should not be smaller than a specific minimum. This is around 3 X 2 meters (Breadth X Depth) . This is around 3 X 2 meters (Breadth X Depth) . As a rule, some types of plays require a larger stage: longer performances; games where more than two actors actively take part (e.g. Space Jump); as well as many games where the audience are on the stage (e.g. sentence completion).


The term "stage" is also used to refer to a single theatrical institution. You can find a list of different "stages" in the National Association for the Improvisational Theatre, or the theatre network.

  • avatar improwiki
last update: 2015-05-17
by Guido Boyke

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