PICNIC Improvisación Teatral
Picnic is group designed to create projects around improvised theater from a transdisciplinary approa...PICNIC Improvisación Teatral
Picnic is group designed to create projects around improvised theater from a transdisciplinary approach. It’s a new project created by old members of La Gata Impro and La Gata Cirko, two companies that work on contemporary circus and improvisation since 1996 transforming theater arts in Colombia Picnic creates devised work collaborating with different artists who bring inspiration from areas such as clown, Film, music and Conflict resolution. In 2011 they organize a gathering of improvisers known as: Primer Encuentro International de Impro, an event focused in creating a community of players that worked together on their different approach to improvisation. After a great success they repeated this assemblage in 2012 and 2013, with more guests, workshops and opportunities to get on stage to try new things. ................................................ Picnic es un grupo creado para investigar y crear en torno a la improvisación teatral desde un enfoque transdisciplinar. Este es el nuevo proyecto de un par de antiguos integrantes y un miembro fundador de La Gata Impro y La Gata Cirko, compañías hermanas de circo contemporáneo e improvisación teatral que desde el año 1996 transforman las artes escénicas en Colombia. En el 2011 organizan el Primer Encuentro Internacional de Impro en Colombia, que se repite en 2012 y 2013 gracias a su capacidad organizativa y poder de convocatoria. Picnic se nutre con los aportes de sus integrantes provenientes de diferentes áreas como: circo, cine, clown y resolución de conflictos. …………………………………..
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PICNIC Improvisación Teatral
Picnic is group designed to create projects around improvised theater from a transdisciplinary approach. It’s a new project created by old members of La Gata Impro and La Gata Cirko, two companies that...