Any scene with any guideline will be played The catch is: the moderator interrupts repeatedly and demands a decision about the show. There are many possibilities which he also wants in the play.


Moderator: "Stop! And now we see the scene but as a Western." (See Genre Replay)

Playing as a Western, then:

Moderator: "Stop! And now 's' is not allowed to occur in the words."

Playing, as demanded, without saying "s."

Moderator (To the audience): "Stop! What's next?"

Keep playing and move on to the corresponding suggestion of the audience.

Moderator says "Stop", repeats the last sentence and: "That sounds like a song"


In this particular play one can also grab the plays that did not occur this evening. It is also possible, through such insertions, for a different game to "pop up."

  • avatar improwiki
last update: 2015-05-20
by Guido Boyke

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