To overview # Improv Forms
3 players form 3 pairs.
Players A and B : pair 1
Players B and C : pair 2
Player C and A: pair 3
Pair 1 begins and establishes their story. The scene is stopped - this may happen through applause or other sounds which are repeated rhythmically (i.e. snapping fingers).
Pair 2 phases in (player A leaves center stage and player C enters center stage). They both take on new roles like in freeze tag.
After all pairs have played the beginning of their story, the scene returns to pair 1 who now plays the middle part of the story. After this round the ends of the stories are played.
Pair 1 starts their story.
Pair 2 starts their story.
Pair 3 starts their story.
Pair 1 plays the middle of their story.
Pair 2 plays the middle of their story.
Pair 3 plays the middle of their story.
Pair 1 plays the end of their story.
Pair 2 plays the end of their story.
Pair 3 plays the end of their story.
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